Don't underestimate what can be accomplished in a light-year
Blue Planet - The best stablecoin yield aggregator in defi
Green Planet - Decentralized lending protocol with discount levels
Pink Planet - An NFT Marketplace powered by AQUA & GAMMA
Purple Planet - A revolutionary insurance protocol for your crypto
Swap - Trade tokens instantly on Planet Finance's swap.
Liquidity Pools - Add & remove liquidity in active liquidity pools.
Analytics - Insights into Planet Finance's DEX, liquidity & fees.
Lend & Borrow - Supply & borrow assets on the decentralized money market
Metrics - Command stations view of everything happening on Planet Finance
Limit Orders - Set buys & sells at specific prices to execute automatically
Affiliates - Incentivized gamification to expand the Planet Finance community
Native App - An easy to use mobile app creating access for anyone to start using the protocol
Expanding Governance - Improved tools to help the community govern Planet Finance
Initial Governance - AQUA holders vote on new vaults, LP's & features.
Planet Finance NFT Collections - Initial sales will burn AQUA.
Utility NFTs - Holding NFTs enable "special abilities". Minted with AQUA.
Merch Store - Look good. Feel good. Yield good.
Governance - AQUA holders vote on new vaults, LP's & features.
Avalanche Subnet - Expand Planet to the Avalanche Blockchain using AQUA for gas fees
Last updated 2 years ago